


Senior software engineer

Business sector

Emotional intelligence of teams

Company Size
StartupSmall business
From - To
April 1, 2020 → November 1, 2020
Remote 100%BooksFlexible scheduleCourses
LaravelVueVuexAPIDockerBashNodeJSTypeScriptSOLIDGitBitbucketPHPCSSHTMLJavascriptNetworkingMySQLTrelloMachine LearningJest

(🇪🇦) Tareas realizadas

Esta empresa de producto se basa software que capaz de medir el estado de animo de los equipos, mediante el uso de algoritmos como el NPS o el Machine Learning.

Mi trabajo como desarrollador Full-stack era desarrollar funcionalidades en la aplicación. Fui el encargado de refactorizar y gestionar el proceso de ML que se utiliza en la empresa.

Para poder llevar mi trabajo acabo utilizaba las siguientes tecnologías.

Implementación de Agile y precursor del proceso de OnBoarding y del plan de carrera de la empresa

(🇺🇸/🇬🇧) Tasks performed

This product company is based on software that is capable of measuring the state of mind of the teams, by using algorithms such as NPS or Machine Learning.

My job as a full-stack developer was to develop functionalities in the application. I was in charge of refactoring and managing the ML process that is used in the company.

Responsible for the implementation of Agile, forerunner of the OnBoarding process and the company's career plan

In order to carry out my work I used the following technologies.


  • MySQL 5.7 and 8
  • Laravel
  • Vue
  • Linux
  • Bash
  • Docker
  • Node JS
  • DevOps
  • Jest
  • Webpack
  • TDD
  • PHP
  • Bitbucket
  • Moss (CD)
  • Git
  • Trello
  • Javascript

Legacy code

MVP working

